Hi Reader,
I just launched Celestial Moths in April and I’m launching Animals With Horns soon. This means I'm between projects and this is the best time to feed my creativity. As artists, the pool which we draw from needs to be bigger than what we send out. I had an instructor in graphic design school that really drilled it into us as creators: consume media constantly in order to have the internal library to draw inspiration from. It’s also a good excuse to say that binge watching my favorite show is WORK!
So, how do I feed my creativity? There are many, many ways I have picked up over the years, but I thought I would share five of them with you!
Coming Soon:
Speaking of revisiting old art and making it new again, I have been digging through old art for my Etsy shop and I took these cute and awkward animals I created for a matching game concept and turned them into my next collection, Animals With Horns, launching sometime later this month. In addition to this collection, I've been remixing some of the current collections in my shop into new products. So be on the lookout for printable stickers for Cricut and other smart cutting machines, seamless digital papers/backgrounds, and printable art and greeting cards! I can't wait to share these with you.
Rabbit Holes:
NEW IN SHOP: Celestial MothsCelestial Moths is a dreamy set that features luminous moths, enchanted moons and stars, magical phrases with details of watercolor texture and foil for a touch of mystical elegance.
NEW ON THE BLOGI made two DIY crafts with my Celestial Moths and shared the tutorials on my blog. A beautiful and delicate mobile and a whimsical and cute paper crown!
Digital illustrations and design tools for creatives and designers. More at https://www.fiakilbourn.com/
Hi Reader, Happy National Zoo and Aquarium Month! I have so many great memories of the zoos and aquariums I have visited throughout my life. Growing up near Indianapolis, I visited the Indianapolis Zoo almost every summer where I loved seeing the polar bears, who have since been moved to another zoo, and the dolphin show. Now living in California, we take our kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium almost every year and I love getting lost in the beautiful jellyfish exhibit. It’s so magical! What...