We're going to the Zoo!

Hi Reader,

Happy National Zoo and Aquarium Month! I have so many great memories of the zoos and aquariums I have visited throughout my life. Growing up near Indianapolis, I visited the Indianapolis Zoo almost every summer where I loved seeing the polar bears, who have since been moved to another zoo, and the dolphin show. Now living in California, we take our kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium almost every year and I love getting lost in the beautiful jellyfish exhibit. It’s so magical!

What are your favorite animals to see at the zoo?

If you’re looking for some picture books on zoo and aquatic animals to celebrate, here are some of my favorites:

  • The Opposite Zoo by Il Sung Na
  • Sea Bear by Lindsay Moore
  • Giant Squid by Candace Fleming
  • A Hungry Lion by Lucy Ruth Cummins
  • There’s a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzy Stewart
  • Mr Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown
  • Poor Little Guy by Elanna Allen
  • To the Sea by Cale Atkinson
  • A Whale in a Fish Bowl by Troy Howell
  • The Storm Whale by Benji Davies

and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to showcase the first book I ever illustrated:

My Trip to the Alphabet Zoo by SuAnn Kiser, Illustrated by me!

This is a personalized book that makes a great gift for any of the little kiddos in your life.

Also, Happy Pride Month! I recently started a new instagram account for my Etsy shop and earlier this week, I shared a list of some LGBTQIA+ books that I recommend! Check it out here. Just today, I found out that one of those books is being turned into a Netflix series.

Coming Soon!

I’ve been remixing my current collections on Etsy into seamless digital papers and I hope to have at least some of them in the shop this month!

Rabbit Holes:

  • My son and I are playing through Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom together after waiting years for the follow up to Breath of the Wild and the beauty of these two games always blows me away. I can literally spend hours roaming around the world of Hyrule.
  • I was introduced to this idea for a DIY veggie tray on TikTok and it is the perfect amount of easy planning to get more veggies in my life.
  • We recently started watching Lost as a family. This is my third time through the show and I love hearing all the theories that my kids are spinning about the show!
  • My sister put me on to the idea of cycle syncing and I’ve been paying more attention to my body's needs especially around my physical activity with regards to my menstrual cycle.

NEW IN THE SHOP: Animals with Horns

These quirky little creatures with vibrant environmental details and hand lettered funny animal puns dropped late last month!


If you want more fun with Animals with Horns, I'm offering a free printable mini matching game on the blog this month!


Digital illustrations and design tools for creatives and designers. More at https://www.fiakilbourn.com/

Read more from Fia

Hi Reader, I just launched Celestial Moths in April and I’m launching Animals With Horns soon. This means I'm between projects and this is the best time to feed my creativity. As artists, the pool which we draw from needs to be bigger than what we send out. I had an instructor in graphic design school that really drilled it into us as creators: consume media constantly in order to have the internal library to draw inspiration from. It’s also a good excuse to say that binge watching my...